The 10x Developer

Sooraj Chandran


Tinyschool helps developers learn new skills, get mentorship, build real-world projects and find a job in top global teams for free. Start Learning Now

10X Developers. They exist. But they might not be who you think.

They don’t ship code 10x faster.

They don’t do the work of 10 developers.

They need not use the command line for everything.

They need not use VIM.

A lot of people think a 10X developer look like this

So who are these mysterious creatures?

In fact, they are not very mysterious. 10x developers are common in many engineering teams.

What do they do differently?

They work well with the team

They don’t necessarily stand out. They blend in.

They communicate well

They are good mentors

They can manage their time well

They are self-motivated

They can manage themselves. They can prioritise what is important and get things done without an external push.

They keep customer and business in mind

They understand their product and business. They keep the customer in their mind.

They won’t technology shame people

They know all technologies have it’s own importance. They won’t shame people for using Git GUI or PHP.

They won’t get into React vs Vue arguments

They keep an open mind and learn new things

They know they always have a lot of things to learn. They keep an open mind, stay humble and keep learning new things.

Above all, they are kind ❤️

It is the journey from I’m Iron Man to I.. am.. Iron Man.

And we are hoping to create a lot more10x Developers with Tinyschool.

Tinyschool helps developers learn new skills, get mentorship, build real-world projects and find a job in top global teams. Start Learning Now

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Sooraj Chandran

Product at Oyster™(via @carromhq acquisition) • Startups • Product • Engineer • Founder @carromhq• @marketfoxio (YC W17) —